The Semi-Tropic Spiritualists will appear live and in person, for the launch of their Symbology Divination System on Saturday and Sunday at 3pm at the Insert Press table at the LA Art Book Fair.

The Semi-Tropic Spiritualists Symbology Divination System is a tool to help you access your own deepest questions and reveal internal truths. Using the tools that they have made available for anyone who wants to join them, they have developed a method of exploring your own innermost self through learning more about how our Symbols relate to your own life.

Insert Press is pleased to announce the release of a new print edition titled Say Your Prayers, Hammer Down, by Jerry Peña in an edition of 20 plus 4 A.P.'s The edition coincides with Stranger at My Door, a highly anticipated solo exhibition at General Projects featuring new works by Peña. Say Your Prayers, Hammer Down, 2023 is an Archival InkJet print on 21mil Epson Cold Press Bright paper, hand trimmed down to 22" x 14.5"